Saturday, 22 March 2014

Start blogging!

I have two favourite quotes:
  • "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - From one of the greatest minds, Albert Einstein.
This is so true.  Sometimes I may think I understand something, yet when I try to verbalise it I fall short.  So I've decided to blog (when my two little boys let me).  Since becoming a SQL developer, of sorts, I've found found that there is always so much more to learn, and so many people out there willing to give their time to help.  Without them I probably wouldn't be in the position I am today (thanks guys).  Of course I also realise that they do this to also help themselves, to put their skills out where people can see it and also, very much, to learn.  This is my attempt to join that community, as I want to learn and share as much as I can.

  • "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." - from the late and great Bruce Lee
Always an inspirational quote.  It makes you want to get up off your butt and do it!  I often learn something about SQL that I just won't ever get a chance to do at work.  I've often thought about blogging, but never got started.

This blog will concentrate mainly on SQL Server, with maybe a smattering of Oracle.  Now just one thing remains..... where the hell do I start?  

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