A couple of things to take note of though, when doing this:
- You can't just insert a value into an identity column.
- When you DO insert values into an identity column, the values will be higher than the next number to be generated, which will fail due to a unique constraint.
So, you first need to enable identity insert. This will, wait for it... allow you to insert values into an identity column. Duh, right? Just make sure you switch it off again when you're done. This is the statement that you need to run:
Another thing to be aware of in order to insert... you need to specify all of the column names in the insert statement. There's no using select *, or relying on the order of columns in the destination table.
So you've set identity_insert to on and inserted the data, probably using insert into select. Remember that the value of the next identity number to be generated won't be affected by the insert and so will need to be changed. This is done using the DBCC CHECKIDENT command, which can also be used to see what the current identity value is. To reseed though, you will run the following:
DBCC CHECKIDENT ({table_name}, RESEED, n);
Where n is value of the next number you want to have generated minus 1. So if the highest value of the records you've inserted is 666, then you will reseed the column to be 666, and the next number it generates will be 667.
--Reseed Example--
declare @maxID int;
set identity_insert destinationTable on;
insert into destinationTable (ID, col1, col2, col3)
select (ID, col1, col2, col3)
from sourceTable;
set identity_insert destinationTable off;
select @maxID = max(ID) from destinationTable;
DBCC CHECKIDENT (destinationTable, reseed, @maxID);